Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The necessity of comfort

I have a permanently numb foot, toes that sometimes hurt, and a new foot cramp that stops me in my tracks.

I have poor balance, and regularly stumble around.

I have weakness and decreased sensation in my legs.

I have MS, yes, we all know that.  But I am also a typical mid-30-something Mom of two boys who just won't stop moving.  Ever.

The above combination was proving too much for my poor feet and legs.  So I searched high and low for comfortable shoes in my size (what's up with size 7?  There are never any left...)

I sucked it up and paid for shipping, and they arrived today. 

And let me just say - Skechers, your Memory Foam has saved my life.  Even if just for now.

I am floating away in these shoes!

(and no, I don't plan to "run" in them or anything...)