Thursday, 28 May 2015

More favourites

A few more pictures from the MS Walk.


Photos from the MS Society, Lelainia Lloyd, and Penelope Slack.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

World MS Day

On World MS Day, we take the time to think about Multiple Sclerosis. 

What we know, what we don't know. 

What could be discovered in our lifetimes.

Who has it?  And why?

But we also take the time to thank the people who make living with MS better.  I want to thank my amazing group of family and friends, who support me not only on this day, but every day.  I want to thank the MS Society of Canada (British Columbia), who have provided me with resources, support, and education.  I want to thank my healthcare team, who have answered calls after hours, pushed for urgent appointments, and always make me a priority.

Thank you all.

Together, we truly are stronger than MS.

So today, on World MS Day, if you know someone with MS, give them a call, send them an email, grab then and give them a giant hug. Ask them how they are doing and tell them you support them.

If you'd like more information about Multiple Sclerosis, check out World MS Day or the MS Society of Canada.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

2015 MS Walk


I really don't know what else to say.

Every year I am amazed by the support I receive.  In all forms.  People join the team, people donate, people support me in whatever way they can.

And it all means so much. 

And I have a tendency to get emotional.  But it's amplified so much on days like today.

Our team, Making Lemonade, raised almost $5000 this year, bringing our 3 year total to $19,000!  That all goes directly to the MS Society for the research, services, and support they provide.

That number astounds me.  Makes me so proud.  And none of this could have been done without you.

Thank you so much!


Friday, 22 May 2015

Radio show!

It's been a very MS-oriented week.  And a very busy one, at that.

I've been preparing for the MS Walk this Sunday - dusting off my tacky yellow (Team Making Lemonade will definitely be in the house!), writing my speech for the pre-walk events.

(Big thanks to my 4-year-old for listening to me practice.  I can tell he just loves it.)

I've been muddling my way through some serious MS "brain fog," which is never fun.  It's this odd haze-like existence - as if your brain can't piece two thoughts together.

Today, Tania Vrionis, President of the BC and Yukon Division of the MS Society, and I sat down with Simi Sara on her CKNW radio show to discuss living with MS.

Here's the SoundCloud link if you missed it:

And if you'd like to donate to this very worthy cause, click here!  Only two days left.

I think I can speak for everyone involved by saying we are SO EXCITED for the MS Walk events this weekend.  And thank you to everyone who has helped, donated, or spread the word.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Special guest!

Team Making Lemonade has a very special guest joining us for the MS walk! 

And I want to shout it from the rafters, I'm so excited!

The one and only Dominique Fricot, musician-extraordinaire, will be walking with us!

I have sung his praises before, but will do it again now.  Dominique Fricot is a musician worth listening to.  Worth supporting.  He has that unique, raw talent that doesn't appear often.  He has an unequivocal ability to perform, oozes undeniable charisma, and writes lyrics that hit you right in the heart.

Check out his website here

I cannot express how grateful I am to Dominique.  Not only did he donate 3 items to use for my fundraising, but he's made me Christmas cookies, successfully disguised my singing voice while caroling, and now is walking 5 km with my crazy self.

I am still in awe of the support I find in all sorts of places.

Start thinking about your yellow outfit, Dom!

And for all you generous souls out there - you can donate here.  Thank you!

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Raffle results!

There are some lucky, lucky people who have donated to the 2015 MS Walk!

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far - I have raised $1610 and my team has raised $3300!

And we're not done yet!  The raffle may be over, but the walk isn't until May 24th.  Plenty of time to raise more money and awareness for this important cause.

So, without further ado, the winners (with names listed as they publically appear on the walk site), as drawn by me, are:

Finn and Dylan - you've won a signed copy of The Last Hiccup by Christopher Meades!

Anonymous #3 (I kept track of the anonymous donations, don't worry) - you've won a signed copy of If Baby Could Walk by Dominique Fricot!

Penny Slack - you've won a signed copy of Sweet Little Fantasy by Dominique Fricot!

Patricia MacInnes - you've won the custom earrings by Aria Industries!

Pam and Eli - you've won the Haunted by Love t-shirt from Dominique Fricot!

I will be contacting you all to get delivery details.

Congratulations everyone!

And thank you to the generous, talented artists who donated these amazing items.  You've helped me raise money for a cause so, so close to my heart.  I am forever thankful.