Friday, 9 May 2014

MS Moms

Before an MS diagnosis, many women just assume the exhaustion, brain fog, and clumsiness is just part of being a Mom.  Mommy-brain.

It goes on for years. 

Then starts to include other symptoms.

And usually gets bad enough that a diagnosis is made.

I find it so ironic that the scars of Motherhood overlap so greatly with those of MS.  Yet, with added irony - one of the largest groups of people with MS are young Mothers.  They are the "typical" person with MS.

And I think it's harder for Moms to focus on their own health.  Their own well-being, and daily happiness.  Simply put - it's not easy to overlook those small faces of yours; to not put them first.  I think all Moms struggle with this, living with a disease or not.

On this Mother's day weekend, I am going to appreciate all the Moms I know.  With MS.  Without.  Those with a smile on their face, and those fighting a battle they didn't ever think they could conquer.

If you are on Twitter, let's get some action for #MSMoms.

And check around your neighbourhood to support the MS Society's Carnation Campaign.  I love that it happens on Mother's Day weekend.

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