Friday, 26 April 2013

Thank you

Tonight, as I anxiously prepare for my first Copaxone injection into my stomach, I can't help but feel (ironically) happy.

And loved.  Supported.

I am so nervous with these new injections - they hurt a lot more than Rebif.  And the pain lasts for days.  I think about them hours before I even have to do them.

But tonight, it doesn't bother me so much.

The MS Walk is in 2 days, and I have pretty much completed my fundraising efforts.  And I am amazed - actually beyond amazed - at what the team has achieved.  "Making Lemonade" has raised more than $8000 for the MS Society of Canada.

The donations have been big - from corporations and family members and Neurologists.  And the donations have been small  - perhaps the most poignant being from Jack's school friends.  $5 is a big deal when you're five years old.

The past few months of fundraising have been very cathartic.  Giving me something positive to put my energy into.  Something to focus on that is helpful and healing.  Something that will eventually see its way back to me and my family. 

And most importantly - something that makes living with this disease just that much more bearable.

There have been some huge life changes for me in such a short period of time.  The axis of my being has shifted into disbelief, confusion, anger, and sadness. 

But the love, support, and generosity of each of you has helped me re-focus on the hope and possibility that is present in my life. 

The fight to end MS is still ongoing, but I have faith that someday we will see its demise.

So, thank you - I couldn't have done this without you.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! $8000! Congratulations Sarah on spearheading such a huge effort for the MS Society!
