Here it is - a big box of Copaxone. A month's worth.
It's a little cheaper than a month's supply of Rebif, but still extraordinarily expensive. And again, this makes me so thankful for both my private medical coverage plus the province's health system. I pay $5 a month for $1412.28 worth of Copaxone.
My trip to London Drugs to collect my meds was an uneventful as usual. There is always confusion at the pharmacy - they can't find it (cause it's always in the fridge and they don't listen to me when I tell them to look there), then there is confusion about the payment and paperwork. I am used to all that. The part, for the first time since I started medication for MS, that physically made me suck in my breath and stop mid-sentence was this:
They are bigger than I expected. And I am picturing the contorting I'll need to perfect in order to get those suckers into exactly the right site. Without my hands shaking, while grabbing a handful of fat to inject into.
It's ironically amusing to think I used to be scared of the flu shot, or taking my kids for their immunizations. Now this. Daily.
I am not thrilled.
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